Client Reflections

What you would consider a Google review, Yelp review or testimonial….

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Janiece for almost three years, and the experience has been nothing short of incredible. From the very beginning, she has been deeply understanding of my unique needs, offering a personalized approach that made all the difference in my fitness and nutrition journey. 

What sets Janiece apart is the perfect balance of professionalism and genuine care. She is incredibly knowledgeable, always staying ahead of the latest in health and fitness, and that expertise has been instrumental in helping me reach my goals. Each step of the way, Janiece has guided me with thoughtful insights and unwavering support. 

Thanks to her dedication and personal touch, I've not only achieved my fitness goals but have also learned how to maintain a healthier lifestyle. It’s been an amazing journey, and I’m grateful to have had Janiece by my side."  - R.A.


Healthy, maintainable routine / Increased energy to be active with kids / Decrease fat, increase muscle

“I cannot say enough about my experience working with Janiece as my lifestyle coach! I am a physical therapist with a good understanding of exercise, but I really needed the nutrition coaching, the motivation and the accountability that came with having a personal lifestyle coach. I've literally done every diet plan that's out there and have succeeded in the past, but have never been able to keep the weight off for any length of time because I never really changed my lifestyle. I am currently almost a year on my own and have maintained my full 50 lb weight loss thanks to what I learned. I was taught how to manage every challenge that presented itself. I was given a meal and exercise plan that was personalized to me. Janiece reviewed my progress, challenges and questions and made necessary changes weekly if needed to keep me on track to reaching my goals. At a time when I was feeling very hopeless and desperate to make changes, this experience changed my life and ended up being one of the best decisions I ever made for my health and wellbeing. Not only did I lose weight, but I saw my resting heart rate decrease and all my cholesterol levels improved. I have also watched my 75-year-old mother change her eating habits and start weight training for the first time in her life after she started working with Janiece. It has taken years off of her life with regards to her overall health and mobility. The only regret I have is that I didn't start working with her sooner!” - S.L.


Weight loss / Improved health, decreased pain / Maintain weight loss/healthy eating habits

“Janiece has been an integral part in my healthy lifestyle! Not only did she assist me in achieving my fitness goals when I was getting married, but she also kept me in shape for my pregnancy and thereafter! I was in the absolute best shape in my life for my wedding. I am continuing to work on my goals with her now to get my body back into pre-pregnancy status.  She listens to me without judgement and adjusts my plans to attain the goals healthiest for me. I highly recommend working with her! She will get you to where you need to go!” - S.H.


Improve body composition for wedding / Build muscle / Healthy lifestyle & pregnancy

“I worked with Janiece for five months and my results were fantastic. As a woman over 40 I thought my weight gain was permanent. I had not been able to lose weight on my own. I was put on a healthy meal program and given a workout program that was customized around my busy schedule. As a result of my hard work and Janiece’s great coaching I was able to lose around 40 pounds and gain muscle. Since I reached my goal I have been able to maintain a healthy weight and continue using the knowledge I earned from working with Janiece. I would go back to her 100 times if I ever get off track again. Janiece is one of the most motivating and understanding women I have met and I recommend her to anyone struggling in life to reach their health goals.” - J.L.


Weight loss & improved strength / Improved, healthier eating habits