Increasing Your Calorie Expenditure: The N.E.A.T. Concept


Let’s be honest, despite the countless ads out there for magic pills and diet programs, there is no “quick fix” for changing your body composition. However, there are things you can do to increase your daily calorie expenditure, increase your energy and improve your health in order to reach your goals. All it takes is MOVING more. It’s called the N.E.A.T. concept. Read on to learn about how you can incorporate this easy concept into your daily routines to burn more calories…and potentially reach your goals faster.

The N.E.A.T. Concept

Believe it or not, a journey in weight loss and improved health involves so much more than simply controlling your nutrition and going to the gym.  There are other important aspects aside from eating and exercise.  What you do outside of the kitchen and the gym will also help you make progress in becoming a healthier, improved version of yourself, and help you maintain a healthier lifestyle.  In fact, changing your body composition consists of four components: nutrition, exercise, N.E.A.T. and rest/recovery.

Unfortunately, for our health, the increase in desk jobs, and now work-from-home positions, in addition to daily conveniences including delivery services, and more technology (think computer and the internet, games systems, etc), N.E.A.T. is easily reduced leading to a largely sedentary lifestyle, unless we make a point to get up and get moving!

Let me briefly point out that while this post is not necessarily addressing rest and recovery, it is also an important component of changing your body composition and should be included in any active lifestyle.  So some of that time spent relaxing on the couch is okay.  Rest and recovery allows the body to relax and recover from the “good” stress you place on it when lifting weights, running, or any activity you do on a regular basis.  It allows your body to repair itself and become stronger.  It includes water intake, rest, stretching, stress management, and can include yoga, massage, foam rolling, or even meditation.  Get creative and find something that you enjoy.


But what about N.E.AT.?

N.E.A.T. is short for non-exercise activity thermogenesis.  This is energy expended outside of nutrition, intentional exercise and sleeping.  It is essentially your cumulative daily activities like standing, walking, and even fidgeting.  It is a component of your daily energy expenditure that increases the number of calories burned above your basal metabolic rate (BMR).  Remember, BMR is how many calories your body burns by simply existing…the basic functions of living, like breathing, digestion, blood circulation and temperature regulation.  N.E.A.T. increases the number of calories you can burn in a day, above BMR.

On a higher level, research has proven that N.E.A.T. has several benefits including decreasing the risk of obesity, improving cardiovascular health, and reducing the occurrence of metabolic syndrome.  On a lower level, it has also been shown to decrease the amount of weight gain one may experience during periods of a calorie surplus.


So how do you incorporate N.E.A.T. into your daily routines?

It’s not rocket science; you just have to MOVE!  …but let me help you get those wheels turning.  Try these activities:

  • Walk or ride your bike instead of driving somewhere.

  • Take the stairs instead of riding the elevator.

  • Park further away from where you are going.

  • Stand at work…they even make cool standing desks!

  • Take “walk breaks” throughout your day.  Better yet, create a routine for a daily walk at lunch, or after dinner.

  • Fidget throughout the day.

  • Get some of those house chores, or that yard work done.

  • Bring a bag and carry your items while shopping instead of pushing them in the cart.

  • If your kids have a game, pace at the sidelines, or walk around the field.

  • Take the dog for a walk.

  • Take the family on a hike.

  • Walk the beach and get some fresh air.

  • On vacation? Take a walking tour or explore on foot on your own.  Walking and exploring more will even help you balance out the increase in calories from extra meals out.


What’s the best way to track N.E.A.T.?

I often list a daily step goal for my clients on their plans.  This highlights the fact that, aside from the gym, they need to move throughout their day!  I find this is one of the easiest ways to track N.E.A.T….incorporating a step goal.

If you are a goal-oriented person, or like visual feedback of your efforts, consider purchasing an Apple Watch, Fit Bit or something similar to track your daily steps.  Once you know your average daily steps, set a goal to increase your average daily steps by 5% or 10% each week.  Once you start making a conscious effort to increase your daily steps, you will find it easier each week to increase those steps and increase your N.E.A.T.


Now get to it!

Increasing N.E.A.T., following a healthy, whole food nutrition plan, engaging in intentional exercise and rest/recovery are ALL essential components of a healthy lifestyle.  It just takes a conscious effort, and consistency to build your new routines.  I challenge you to head out for a walk now.  Next week, take two walks….you get it!


Holiday Series: Part 1


Crush Your Goals with Meal Prepping!